Survey on Public Satisfaction with Ministries and Government Agencies’ Services


Under the patronage of His Excellency Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasser Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, the Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics (MDPS) shall conduct a field survey to measure satisfaction of recipients of services provided by ministries and other government agencies, during the period May 16 to June 2, 2016.

The survey aims to find out the public’s views and evaluation of the level of services provided by ministries and other government agencies, so as to assist in the development of such services and to overcome the difficulties that service recipients may face in various government agencies.

The survey data collection methodology is based on a number of researchers who will interview service recipients in various government agencies, and will fill out an electronic questionnaire on palm devices with every counter.

The field survey shall include visitations to service provision areas, public places and families. A survey-related web page shall be launched on MDPS website  and on a number of websites of ministries and universities in the state.

On this occasion, MDPS calls on citizens and residents to cooperate with the survey representatives who will be present in service areas in various ministries and in public places, in order to complete the survey.