Council Services

​ The Planning and Statistics Authotity (PSA) is the official source of all statistical data and processes in the State of Qatar. PSA endeavors to provide statistical data to data users in all public and private sectors and agencies, regional and international organizations and individuals.

Since this statistical data of importance to determine the future needs and requirements of sustainable development, PSA is working to provide a range of services, namely:

General Services

PSA provides statistical data via its website where all segments of society can have easy access:

  • Knowledge Center: Website that allows visitors to get the latest PSA publications on statistics, national planning, Qatar Vision 2030 and the National Development Strategy.
  • GIS: is a software available on PSA website that allows visitors to use statistical data on maps provided by GIS technology.
  • Library: The library of the Planning and Statistics Authority contains all books of interest to researchers covering all aspects of knowledge.
  • Data Request: An online service that allows the public to request statistical data directly from PSA through the online form
  • News and Publications Request : An online service that allows the public to request PSA Publications such as Qatar Monthly Statistics, and Qatar National Development Strategy to be delivered via Hard Copy, Email, Whatsapp the online form

On-Demand Services

In addition to the statistical data provided for data users, PSA provides a range of services for the public and private agencies in Qatar, namely:

  • Training: PSA targets a specific category of society; i.e. school and university students. At the request of their institution, students are trained for certain hours to be agreed upon.
  • Preparation of surveys, questionnaires and opinion polls: PSA works to provide technical support and to contribute to public and private agencies in the implementation of statistical surveys. PSA also provides the opportunity for those who desire to conduct a survey on a particular issue by taking over the preparation and follow-up works in coordination with the requesting entity.
  • Preparation of government agencies strategies and monitoring and following-up implementation: PSA provides support to other ministries and government agencies in the preparation of strategies and plans that are consistent with national development objectives and in the implementation of the national development strategy. After which, PSA reviews, monitors and evaluate progress at the national level in the implementation of the objectives of the National Development Strategy.