Census 2010 E-Registration service is released

​​​11 March 2010 

Statistics Authority has launched the Electronic Registration Service for the people that would like to fill theirs and their families information online in the Census 2010 electronic questionnaire which is going to be released on 20th April 2010.  

This electronic questionnaire will be available on the Census2010 website: www.qsa.gov.qa. This a Step forward toward utilizing the latest technology in data collection as one of the National Strategy for the Development of the Statistics (NSDS) objectives which is going to assure the quality and the accuracy of the statistics considering the international standards.

This new method is one of the latest methods that's adopted in the censuses and surveys which the first time is been adopted in Qatar targeting the individual information though electronic questionnaire, available for all Qataris and expatriates whom lives in Qatar.

E-questionnaire has the following information (Name, Personal ID No., Building's Electricity No. and email) where these information is going to be utilized as a base identifying the number of participants from one side, and to communicate them to identify the way on filling theirs and their families' information from the other side.

SMS is going to be sent for all the participants informing them about the start date of e-questionnaire availability and the user name and password to assure the confidentiality and the accuracy of the given information that's as per the Statistics Authority decree to classify the individuals (persons/Establishments) information.

This will be made as choice for the interested families either to fill their information though e-questionnaire or through a PDA devices that the enumerators are carrying where they are going to be n the filed on20th April 2010, that's to cover the hall population in the country.

For more information about the e-questionnaire and how to fill it, a free phone line 8000800 is ready to receive the calls or login through censu2010 website: www.qsa.gov.qa to get the desired information.