Monthly Figures on Total Population

Planning and Statistics Authority released its monthly preliminary figures on population as of 31 July, 2019.
These data represents the number of persons all ages (Qataris and Non-Qataris) within the boundaries of the State of Qatar as on 31 July, 2019.

It does not include:
  • Qatari nationals who were outside the State boundaries on 31 July, 2019.
  • Non-Qataris with residency permits who were outside the states boundaries on 31 July, 2019.
Note : This figure will be updated on a monthly basis.

Population in Qatar at end of April 2019 is (2,475,063) people .





Total Population

Males   1995175

Females   692696


    Month/Year Males Females Total
    8 / 201618706415309572401598
    7 / 201618377974886682326465
    6 / 201618995635775502477113
    5 / 201619564246311402587564
    4 / 201619365366227312559267
    3 / 201619179396090552526994
    2 / 201619201076254962545603
    1 / 201618530015701742423175
    7 / 201516638234563062120129
    6 / 201517771165674412344557
    5 / 201517818825929782374860
    4 / 201517593915833342342725
    3 / 201517643585823742346732
    2 / 201517496025844272334029
    1 / 201516934555311282224583
    12 / 201416862285492032235431
    11 / 201416977275719452269672
    10 / 201416547205617802216500
    9 / 201416340885532382187326
    8 / 201415845354928222077357
    7 / 201414957524242101919962
    6 / 201416212815304642151745
    5 / 201416220655519702174035
    4 / 201416072285482182155446