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Education is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. Technically, education is the process by which the society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values. In practice, education is the foundation of development. It takes care of developing individuals' capabilities, being the most important element in the development process. Despite the short period since the commencement of the educational process, the State of Qatar has achieved tangible success, particularly during the last decade, such as the enactment of compulsory and free education law in 2001 and the creation of the Supreme Council of Education in 2002. The main sources of educational data and indicators are the Supreme Council of Education, Qatar University and Qatar Foundation. The annul statistics include data on the number of students, teachers, schools, classes etc. in the different public and private academic levels of education, in addition to specialized schools, illiteracy eradication centers and evening schools. Higher education data includes the number of students, graduates by specialization, as well as teaching staff by qualification and nationality.