Events and Activities


    Doha Data Forum for Inclusive Data Ecosystems and Effective Decision Making

    29/10/2023 |

    Workshop on Data Visualization for Better Decision-Making

    05/06/2023 | Data visualization and interactive visual analytics bring advantages by increasing the amount of information delivered and decreasing the cognitive and intellectual burden to interpret information for decision-making, making individuals more resilient and independent. However, the absence of targeted data visualization interventions for national development leaders to inform their decision-making process contributes to delaying progress, perpetuating ineffective policies, and impeding the overall development of the nation.

    Regional Workshop on the Changing Role of Official Statistics in the State of Qatar: Why Data Culture Matters

    21/09/2022 | The large-scale digitalization of various aspects of the social, economic and individual behaviors within and across countries resulted in a radical change in the nature and volumes of data on socio-economic developments. Its application is changing, with demand going beyond the traditional scope. Data is generated essentially everywhere: by use of mobile devices, GPS and other sensors, household appliances, spacecraft, and social networks. Its composition is becoming more varied and it is constantly updated. These data sources can be very useful for policy purposes of developing the 3rd Qatar National Development Strategy and mainstreaming the SDGs.

    Webinar on Building a Central Statistical Data Warehouse

    17/05/2022 | Statistical legislations issued by the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) and the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) indicate. that the main objective of official statistics systems is to provide statistics, data, statistical services and analyses to the public users, supported by metadata, visualization and spatial data. It is essential that such statistics and data should be of high quality and published in a timely manner in order to be of use in making decisions related to economic, social and environmental policies and the national development

    Manual of Statistical Definitions, Concepts & Terms

    09/11/2021 | The Planning and Statistics Authority (PSA) is keen to communicate annually with the coordinators, partners and providers of statistical data, as it holds an annual meeting with the coordinators, partners and providers of statistical data, in order to support the satisfaction of both parties' needs. This year, PSA will hold its annual meeting via an online workshop entitled: “Role of Technology and Concept Unification in Facilitating Statistical Data Exchange” on Tuesday, 9 November 2021. The workshop will involve mixed attendance, whether through personal attendance or virtual participation. The attendees in the 20th floor of the PSA building shall be limited to the PSA staff along with the honored persons concerned with the "Rased Platform". Moreover, communication with participants from outside Qatar, as well as candidates from ministries and governmental and private bodies, will be via the Internet in accordance with the decisions of Qatar's Supreme Committee for Crisis Management

    National Workshop on Enhancing Integrated Development Planning in the State of Qatar

    26/10/2021 | The Planning and Statistics Authority in the State of Qatar, in cooperation with the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), organized a national workshop entitled "Enhancing Integrated National Development Planning in the State of Qatar" on 26 and 27 October 2021 in Doha at JW Marriott Marquis City Center Doha Hotel. The workshop was attended by around 100 participants from ministries and government agencies, the private sector, civil society organizations, ESCWA and Qatar-based UN organizations.• This workshop falls within the framework of the activities of the Development Account project "Towards the Arab Horizon 2030: Enhancing Integrated National Development Planning in the Arab Region". This workshop falls within the framework of the activities of the Development Account project "Towards the Arab Horizon 2030: Enhancing Integrated National Development Planning in the Arab Region". This workshop also comes within the recommendations of the report "Legislative Frameworks for the Business Environment in the Arab Countries", prepared by ESCWA in 2021.

    World Statistics Day 2020

    20/10/2020 | The Planning and Statistics Authority celebrates the World Statistics Day, which is observed around the globe every five years on 20 October. This year's celebration is observed under the theme “Connecting The World With Data We Can Trust;” a unified slogan of the United Nations Statistical Commission based on the importance of reliable data in the world in which we live today. The celebration is limited to electronic platforms due to the current exceptional circumstances. During its 69th Regular Session held in New York on 3 June 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted the celebration of World Statistics Day every five years in all member states after it was celebrated for the first time in 2010, in accordance with Resolution 64/282.

    Regional Workshop on Modernization of Official Statistics in the State of Qatar

    04/11/2019 | In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, consisting of 17 goals with 169 targets, as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The international community also agreed to develop 232 global indicators to be used to monitor progress towards the SDGs that all countries should undertake, in particular the development of statistical databases and the preparation of periodic national reports on developmental achievements and their presentation in international forums such as the World Summits, and the annual High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2030 (HLPF). The international community is keen on its plan that no one is left behind.

    Second Workshop on Modernization of Official Statistics in the State of Qatar

    25/09/2018 | The provision of data to support the implementation of the goals of both the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 and the National Development Strategy 2018-2022 requires a transformation in the official statistical system. This transformation, in turn, requires modernization of the statistical process and procedures, enhancement and modernization of institutional structure, effective use of integrated statistical frameworks and innovation in population and housing census processes for the 2020 cycle.

    Second Workshop on Modernization of Official Statistics in the State of Qatar 2018

    25/09/2018 | The provision of data to support the implementation of the goals of both the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 and the National Development Strategy 2018-2022 requires a transformation in the official statistical system. This transformation, in turn, requires modernization of the statistical process and procedures, enhancement and modernization of institutional structure, effective use of integrated statistical frameworks and innovation in population and housing census processes for the 2020 cycle.